Outrider Studio



"Outrider Studios began in 2005 as collaborative effort that helped create independent media with a small coalition of like minded, budding artists. The name has been attached to many different projects since then and in 2010 we decided to bring our projects to you. In 2011 we launched our first book, Edge: The Roleplaying Game, and teamed up with Youtube Make Up Guru ‘Hollywood Noir’. Exciting projects are in development with both of these brands and even more new media and game publishing is being developed.

An Outrider is ‘an escort who rides ahead’ and that’s how we treat our company. An artist only escorts an idea, leads it to where it needs to go with his or her imagination. We pride ourselves on being “out front” on all of our own, and our collaborator’s, projects by ensuring they have all the tools they to need to make their ideas and imaginations accessible to everyone.

“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’”
-George Bernard Shaw

From all of us at Outrider Studios, thank you very much for visiting and we hope you keep in touch."

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Jeux Edités

Titre (VO) de la gamme
Titre (VT) de la gamme

Cette fiche a été rédigée le 10 décembre 2011.  Dernière mise à jour le 10 décembre 2011.