Knock! #2
Par Olivier 'Pyrod' Doutrellot
Rubrique : Mags
Date : 14 octobre 2023

Il s’agit du deuxième numéro de la revue Knock! An Adventure Gaming Bric-à-brac qui propose des aides de jeux et inspirations à destination des tables pratiquant l’Old School Renaissance. Il a fait l’objet d’un financement participatif sur Kickstarter.
- The Master’s Words of Wisdom
- Cheap Tricks
- Knight Errant generator
- Playing Dice With Death
- Landmark, Hidden, Secret
- Carousing for Spellbook Nerds
- Mandaloo’s Magic Longstix
- Mansions of the Dead
- Sorcerer-Corpse Hazards
- Erynie’s Mirror
- When You Sleep In Dungeons
- Eaten by a Grue
- Eight Goblin Warlock Spells
- I Search the Bookshelf
- The Anatomy of a Dungeon Map
- Uniquely Undead
- Monster Modifers
- Sixty Pointless Items
- Rival Adventuring Parties
- The Grey Shaded Hex
- Don’t List Out Gear
- Thief Knacks
- What Is Tested?
- In Praise of Vanilla Fantasy
- My Goblins Are...
- More Chaos in your Battles
- Combat Objectives
- Hit Points Everywhere
- Playing Chess with Death
- What the Arkenstone Can Do For You
- Five Tips For Horror in D&D
- Bathos
- If Failure isn’t Interesting....
- Gonzo Body Horror
- Whale Heart
- Boring Dungeons
- What The Hell Just Happened?
- Fear The Faceless God
- What Is My Sword?
- Bad Patxi
- The Charnel Saturnalia
- You Want To Build a Dungeon...
- Fuck You Moments
- Too Much Worldbuilding
- A Powder Keg the Dune Way
- Inspirational Spell Shard Tables
- 30 Tomes of Magic
- Itsus Take The Wheel
- Cursed Scriptures
- What Are Those Spiders Doing?
- What Is This Gelatinous Cube Doing?
- Complete The Encounter
- Complete The Dungeon
- d6 Hexcrawling
- Fixing Spells
- Another Fool!
- Portfolio Of Cartographic Curiosities
- Menagerie of Monstrosities
- D is for Demons
- Retinue of Rogues
- Extraordinary Excursions
Automne 2021, 224 pages, 21€ (PDF)